Saturday, March 05, 2011

Regret vs. Nostalgia

The past is such a useful thing; it defines us in the choices we've made, mistakes and glories alike. Our failures hopefully teach us, our victories prove that we have learned. But at what point is revelling in the past a dangerous or harmful endeavor? Looking back and feeling shame and regret at our past actions helps us to move forward into the future with stronger resolve to do better, be better. But wallowing in sadness over our regrets leads simply to despair over the fact that we can do nothing to change the past.
It is unavoidable to have regrets. Those who say they have none fool themselves but noone else. Every day we make choices; whether we put forth the effort to make them consciously or allow them to be made on our behalf. These choices define who we are much more than any label of political or religious definition. We are what we do. The past is our record of what has been done and who we were at that time, but does not limit who we will become.
Conserve your energies, do not regret without hope for the morrow, instead plan and decide with conviction where you will aim your passions and work every moment of every day to make your life a worthy cause.